Find out just who exactly you are renting your property to. Be Sure – Be Tenant-sure.
Pre-examining tenants is more than likely the most important task a landlord will have to carry out prior to a new tenant taking up occupancy.
It can literally cost you thousands of pounds in unpaid rent and legal fees if you have difficulty with a non-paying tenant.
Tenantsure provides low cost and worthwhile tenant checking services to be used on an ad-hoc basis whenever you have a need for it.
Tenant Eviction Service
Every year in the UK it’s a common fact that millions of pounds of rent goes unpaid and the situation has significantly gotten worse in previous years following the recession.
95% plus of letting problems can be eliminated by any landlord through careful screening and selection of tenants.
Tenantsure have the service to help you at a price that is right and affordable.
Tenant Eviction Service – What Our Partners Offer
- Tenant ID Verification
- Bankruptcy & IVA Search
- Search for CCJ’s, Enforcement Orders etc
- Verify previous addresses
- Provides Peace of Mind
Empty properties can create an extremely anxiety-driven situation for Landlords and often leads to them trying to try fill the vacancy as fast as possible. This will potentially maximise profitability of the property but always remember: no tenant at all is 100 times better that a bad one!
Problem tenants may take up to on-average around 3/4 months to evict. The actual eviction process can cost anywhere up to £4,000+ so it’s wise to ensure this isn’t the case.
Visit www.tenant-sure.co.uk today to see how TenantSure can help!
It pays to be sure, it pays to be Tenantsure
Featured Tenant Eviction Service Agency Partner

Tenantsure can help secure possession of your property quickly. Their Simple Low-Cost Tenant Eviction service delivers results. They specialise in dealing with Fast Tenant Evictions. Their simple 4 step Tenant eviction service is Pay-As-You-Go
Tenantsure is a Professional and DIrect Tenant Eviction service. Non paying Tenants is a problem no Landlord wants. Their service is designed to keep things simple.